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Old July 12th, 2010, 05:06 AM
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ano ano is offline
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I read about your "super-plan" yesterday, Sept. Obviously, we wouldn't reattack the province if you or Atlantis attacked it and it had borders with Man. It's just too simple. We would attack with a Golem of a Boots-of-the-Planes-Wielding wight mage. Also, I doubt it would be too easy for you to take it as there have always been amazons scripted to attack-leech-leech-leech. I don't know if they've been there the turn you planned it, though.
C'tissian dominion played its role perfectly as a "wall" and though I had more aggressive plans for C'tis initially, I think they played their role well as a research monster. And a blood monster as well, though it was not planned. We had about 250 or more slaves the last turn.
Machaka was a fetish and forge monster (after we found a const bonus site with Bakemono Sorcerer enslaved by Ermor the things became even easier)
and Shin and Ermor were aggressive and you could perfectly see this from the graphs.
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