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Old July 15th, 2010, 10:18 AM
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Default Re: Modding national undead

Simple answer: You can't. Non-standard national undead are "hardcoded" for the various nations which get them.

Long answer: You could "hijack" the nation # of an existing nation with national undead, and then substitute your national undead for the corresponding unit #s.

Originally Posted by Nounours View Post
Well, I'm back to modding (at last !), and I have a problem with undead...

No, not the classical rampaging zombie sort of problems, just a modding problem : how can I mod my national undead to be summoned by classical spells like Reanimation ?

In other terms, Jotunheim, for instance, reanimate Giant soulless or skeletons. I would like to do the same with my mod, but with my own national undead. And by the way, how do I mod my undead units to make them national undead ?

Thanks for your help !!
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