Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
i was mictlan. i understood the victory cnoditions, i was just never able to do that well on them. the game went by faster than i thouht, and in particular, people were getting vps at the end faster than i expected, so i wasn't able to fully utilize my research.
i wanted to attack you Man, but i don't like pure air drops, and i had only one unit truly capable of that anyways. I much prefer to have a retreat route. I asked r'lyeh to let me hold one water province that would give me a route to you, but he refused. My only other route to you was through Pan, and Pan had already attacked me; so I warred with Pan (and he wasn't willing to attack you, so there's no reaosn not to fight him).
There were people heavily preaching and stealth preaching on my border (caelum) so i wasn't able to use immortal pretende3r to push.
I think i'd beat Pan in time, but game ended.
I got tarts awhile ago, but I found out they fare poorly vs manikin so I went up construction. Without the artifacts I didn't have high enough paths to summon the other cool things in high conj. I did send a force of 80-ish wights into Pan, it was doing decent, but never got into a major battle. My new poison golem died to some kitted Pans and a whole lotta chaff, though it kille dalot as well. Making an equipped poison golem a turn was gonna do good damage to Pan I think.
I didn't have enouh gems to try putting up the forge or anything vs the spells already up.
I might've been able to kill caelum, but I just didn't want to rirsk a war on multiple fronts.
I just got an air queen as game ended; and once I got up ench that would open up a few more good chassis for other gem types.
It's just hard to fight manikin/maenad Pan with scs. There's so mcuh chaff to get through.
Also one of my guys, an aesir i think, disappeared mysteriously. It successfully fled frmo a battle, had 3 valid provinces to retreat to, and it just wasn't tehre. very odd.
My build would've workedf better under 0 magicv settings, as i'd have had more gem advantage over people that way; as not too many people take magic 3. (which gives tosn of gems with luck 3)
and i didn't contact you Man, because no diplomacyw as necessary, i'd attack you when i could, just could never get a path to you.