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Old July 16th, 2010, 03:31 PM

LDiCesare LDiCesare is offline
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Default Re: Endgame Diversity Mod - stable version (v1.1) released

Ok. I'll ask a silly question about the Kraken.
As far as I understand it, its only role is to make it even harder for land nations to go underwater, isn't it?

I mean, it's easy to summon by water nations. They have tons of water gems, and underwater labs that are easily defended in forts they can build.
How can a land nation summmon one?
First, the land nation must get underwater.
Second, it must build/get a lab there.
Third it must have enough gems and the mages needed.
Krakens are great underwater. They are powerful, regen like hell when given a ring, and have magic paths to help themselves. Only underwater nations can summon them en masse and easily.

In my opinion, the barrier between land and water is the single most annoying feature if Dominions, and krakens just make that worse.
I'd suggest removing them from the mod or providing an amphibious unit that can be summoned only from water and/or one only from land (read Grendelkin).
(But then, I should probably stop playing games with water nations.)
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