Re: CCspam Newbies 2v2 EA game- 4/4 -Running
Turn number: 3
Who's sent their turn in:
Lanka Waiting for 2h file
Kailasa 2h file received
Niefelheim 2h file received
Hinnom Waiting for 2h file
The turn will process when all 2h files have been received, or at the latest at 22:05 GMT on Friday July 16th
Turn number: 4
Who's sent their turn in:
Lanka 2h file received
Kailasa Waiting for 2h file
Niefelheim 2h file received
Hinnom 2h file received
The turn will process when all 2h files have been received, or at the latest at 22:00 GMT on Saturday July 17th.
Turn number: 5
Who's sent their turn in:
Lanka 2h file received
Kailasa 2h file received
Niefelheim 2h file received
Hinnom Waiting for 2h file
The turn will process when all 2h files have been received, or at the latest at 05:45 GMT on Sunday July 18th.
Turn number: 6
Who's sent their turn in:
Lanka Waiting for 2h file
Kailasa 2h file received
Niefelheim 2h file received
Hinnom 2h file received
The turn will process when all 2h files have been received, or at the latest at 10:00 GMT on Sunday July 18th.
there was 3 quick turns, i don't understand your quit.
i'll delay this turn until that problem is fixed and set reminder mail to 12 hours
Last edited by XuanZue; July 18th, 2010 at 12:55 PM..