Every forum has a feel and a purpose.
Thats good. It keeps one forum from feeling like it has to allow everything in order to provide for everyone.
DISCLAIMER: These are NOT my words:::::
The "cesspit" is a good forum for serious debaters who feel that Dom3 is a serious wargame to be played by serious players. A boxing club. A place where the elite and best-of-the-best dont have to bother playing nicey-nice for people who havent bothered to cough up the bucks for the game yet. (not my words).
And this forum is a bouncy ball castle full of child-like fun and unencumbered whimsy. A place where optimistic "guides" and rosey descriptions are prized over hard cold facts. Where never-ending discussion is considered the life of the forum more than expert answers are. (again, not my words)
As far as MY WORDS? Well, I am not saying I agree with any of the above. Nor can I completely disagree. Which is probably why I am best homed here.