Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
If people generated new 2h files with the roll back turn they got and submitted those we should be fine, I think, otherwise:
Well we can start a new game or
Debaser8: Anybody have experience with rollbacks?
Debaser8: What if people submit the 2h file from the formerly current and now future turn?
Debaser8: I feel a little bit like i'm watching back to the future or terminator and dealing with time paradoxes
Sheap: don't submit .2h files from the wrong turn
Debaser8: That advice is a little late now
Zeldor: game will be utterly broken
Zeldor: you need to roll back again or finish it
Debaser8: thanks
Debaser8: so we roll back to the same turn?
Debaser8: and then people who submitted future turns submit over them?
Zeldor: well, future turns cannot be submitted
Zeldor: or they break the game
Zeldor: it's jsut cheating
Debaser8: but would the server remember the future turns that have been submitted last time it was rolled over?
Debaser8: and therefore they would have to be submitted over?
Zeldor: when you roll back, all .2h files are in
Zeldor: even though it shows no one submitted
Debaser8: so we roll back to a previous turn?
Zeldor: well, yeah
Zeldor: as far as you need to get before those future turns submitted
Debaser8: from before turn we originally rolled back to?
Debaser8: ok and then people have to find the right turns and submit them?
Debaser8: hmm...sounds like a lot of possibilities for fail
Zeldor: to where you rolled back
Debaser8: ?
Zeldor: well, to where people submitted wrong turns
Zeldor: so if it's new turn now
Zeldor: you need to roll back just 1
Zeldor: not 2
Zeldor: and those that submitted future turns, need to redo them
Zeldor: deleting .2h files
Debaser8: ok
Zeldor: of course using proper .trn file
Zeldor: well, if you want to be sure, you can order everyone to redo the turn
Zeldor: they got proper .trn file with rollback email
Zeldor: if someone still submits wrong turn - turn him AI
Last edited by Debaser8; July 21st, 2010 at 08:27 PM..