Originally Posted by meKanicalj3sus
Wow just discovered that ‘fighter bay’ drones are controllable!! By far the best implemented use of that system I’ve seen.. Excellent Garthan & Mutikan ‘heavy carriers’. New race models look great especially the ‘Trans’luvians’ & the ‘Redation’ heavy weapon rocks!
Getting that crash now & then.. I think the only races I haven’t come across are the ‘Tchorak & ‘Musthar’ after bout’ 10 large map games  (only got back to Hope twice with a measly 18-19000 score lol) no slowdown here also.. ‘Super impressive overall!!

The Heavy Carriers definitely give the Garthans some more punch, but then again, if you have the Military Battleship then those fighters can come in real handy.
The Redation weapon packs a punch but is very easy to dodge, even for a slow frigate.
Watch out for the Tchorak Volcano Home.
Originally Posted by sgqwonkian
Sounds good! I hope to fit in a few games today, and add to your feedback soon.
I can easily imagine how something based on the mass driver can slow the game down. My "microparticulate duster" in Drives'R'Us sometimes has that problem.
As for the crashes, this link might be helpful for figuring out what's causing them:
That covers most of the things I know can cause a crash, along with symptoms and solutions. If it turns out it's not one of the causes listed (or linked to from) there, please feel welcome to add your eventual solution to the wiki. (Password is "shrapnel and eel")
The comet hose works fine, it was a modified experimental weapon (using many more mass driver particles and adding in missile characteristics), now removed, which was causing the problems.
As for the crash, I've been looking for the reason for a few months now. It seems to be quest-related.
Originally Posted by Black_Bear
Originally Posted by sgqwonkian
Just a heads up -
There may be a problem with the Zorg Fighter Bay. I got it, and it failed to launch any fighters at all when I was fighting the Tchorak. Then I died, so I couldn't really test it again.
I had the Aspian Fighter Bay in the very next game, though, and it worked fine, so I don't think the problem was user error on my end.
I glanced at your code, and didn't see anything immediately wrong with it. As near as I can tell, it should be working. Don't know if it's worth extensive debugging that this time, but we might want to keep an eye open to see if it happens again.
Originally Posted by Alphasite
Originally Posted by sgqwonkian
Just a heads up -
There may be a problem with the Zorg Fighter Bay. I got it, and it failed to launch any fighters at all when I was fighting the Tchorak. Then I died, so I couldn't really test it again.
I had the Zorg fighter bay and had the same problem. I was running from the CLI and had hundreds of these lines:
ERROR: launchfighter: unknown race Zorg
That might help track down the problem.
Hmmm, I'll look into it. There may be some small unnoticeable error somewhere, like a typo or something.
The Aspian fighters are really good for draining your enemies' HP. They die easily but their comet hoses are positively lethal.
Thanks for all your feedback, guys!