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Old July 24th, 2010, 05:24 AM

earcaraxe earcaraxe is offline
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Default Re: Gluttony - LA Game - Running

Dear Fellow Pretenders!

The unmoral hypocrite leaders of Marignon has show the white of their teeth.
Violating the NAP we had between us, they ordered their armies to attack, acting like a real weasel: cowardly and from the back, while scheming good intent. They surely consider themselves more intellectually capable for licking the hoofs of their Devil masters than navigate in the mazes of diplomacy by rules.

Perhaps its no coincidence they are in such an understanding relationship with the weak-moraled, covetous ctis who also share this habit of breaching agreements, of being unable to keep promises.

I after they shown how much their given word means, the non-agression pacts these devil-thralls signed with You are just as nonexistent as their intent to keep them when a little chance of gaining emerges for them.

awaiting Your messengers at Avalon to discuss the details of the state of war and plans if you will,

the magisters of Chelms
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