Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
Zen was a very active map maker, modder, programmer, and a very popular moderator.
He created the CBm mod for one thing. And his departure also caused a rash of sympathetic departures. For all of the reasons given why the previous banishments would destroy this forum, I felt that Zen had already been that route and more already showing that as long as there is influx of new people then this forum will survive just about anything[/url]
You must be talking about some other Zen Gandalf.
The Zen I remember was an royal as*hole and a narcissist jerk with an ego the size of a building. I think Dominions forum is much better without him as a mod. I've missed that incident you are talking about, but all I can say is - good riddance!
To his credit- he did some good stuff as a modder. But as a moderator he was a very bad pick.
All of the above is my personal opinion of course, you are certainly entitled to yours.