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Old July 27th, 2010, 02:34 PM

Action Action is offline
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Default Re: EA Agartha - the game's red-headed stepchild (CBM)

Not tested in MP but...

In CBM 1.6, with a F4E9N4 sleeping ForgeLord (Order 3, Heat 3, Death 2, Misfortune 2, Magic 1) you can expand on turn 2 by building an ancient lord (who fights) and three ancient ones to accompany your prophet and starting troops, and build a very solid expansion party of eight ancient ones and an oracle, every two turns thereafter (quicker eventually). Your first expansion party is vulnerable to (really) bad luck but after that they shouldn't have to worry about anything but the type of indies that everyone has to be careful of (elephants etc).

Your bless makes your recruit anywhere ancient ones useful and is nice for your thugs. If acquire some decent size two units to mix in with your ancient ones and limit the size disadvantage, and find lizard shamans eventually, things don't seem sooo bad, although ultimately your lack of maneuverability will limit you badly.
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