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Old July 27th, 2010, 03:33 PM
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Default Re: Archers and decoys in MP - questions to experienced players

Thanks a lot guys, it's very helpful.

Few clarifications - are all of you 100% sure that "fire at none" work exactly the same as "fire closest"?

I could have almost swear that when in the past (2 years ago, when I've used to played Dom3 MP a lot) when I had scripted my archers to "fire none", they would mostly ignore the archer decoys (who were positioned closest to them), and instead were firing at seemingly random targets all over the place. At least that's how it looked like to me, if I remember correctly.

Am I mistaken and are those false memories?

Another question - how exactly "fire at large monsters" order works? Will at always attmept to fire and lock at the largest enemy unit on the field? What if there is size 5 enemy unit within the firing range of your archers, and there is size 6 unit beoynd the range in the back - will your archers fire at size 5 enemy, or will they advance and fire at size 6?

And does it matter what exactly is the size of the "large" enemy unit? (for example, will it fire at the size 3 cavelry of the rest of the enemy troops are size 2)

Last question - let's say your javelins were set to fire at archers, and they have done so, but now they are out of missiles, so they will go to melee. Will the revert to "attack closest" order, or will the continue to perform "attack archers", only now in melee? Same question for your commanders.
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