Elemental is shaping up to be good. The idea's shown so far are good. I especially like the gameplay mechanic of researching "adventure" and then being able to take on more rewarding quests at locations on the map; it sounds cheesy but its a new aspect to turn based strategy.
At this stage the developer admits there is more to do to get it to release quality which is encouraging and positive. Unless they have been doing stuff (balancing ect.,) that is not in the beta then I doubt it will be ready by the current release date. I also believe that they have done work that is not in the beta so fingers crossed.
I don't know what a "F-TBS" is but Sword of the Stars is great, I purchased the complete collection yesterday at half price. I had hoped be able to direct you all to a sale but its apparently ended.... Still its a great TBS with pausable real time battles that are fun to play.
*edit* Oh! FANTASY-TBS! Well if you don't believe in aliens then SotS is "fantasy"