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Old July 30th, 2010, 11:49 AM

Jorus Jorus is offline
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Default Re: Baalz' good player pledge

I think the pledge is a good idea because it communicates a major concern of many players to ALL players. I'm happy to abide by the pledge, but have a few questions;

1. What about a game administrator pledge? I have been in games where I have invested countless hours - but needed a short extension for RL concerns. I communicate the request in a timely manner, but it is ignored and I have a stale (or two) in a tightly contested game! Sheez.

2. Ethical Question: What if a player is part of a team (and is the weaker link - by far - of the team) and he advises his ally that the best thing to do would be for the stronger player to take over the provinces of the weaker player? In this way resources (gems, money, research, etc.) would be better utilized - for the team. On the other hand, it could be argued that the weaker player is not "fighting to the death".
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