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Old July 30th, 2010, 04:45 PM

13lackGu4rd 13lackGu4rd is offline
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Default Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)

Originally Posted by Amhazair View Post
* Endgame Diversity Mod has been suggested and endorsed by several people, with one vote against. I have tentatively added it to the OP, but feel free to make your feelings - for or against the mod - clear. I have no objections against using it myself, but since I didin't add it to the options at the start I'll lend heavier weight to any nay-voters out there. And I guess I'd better go take a look at how the mod turned out then. Last time I checked it out it was still in the brainstorming stage.
personally I don't have a problem with EDM, but for such a large game I think we better keep it simply, with as few mods as possible(besides the standard CBM that is).

* Streamers and Standards has also been suggested. I see absolutely no reason to include it, but then again the only downside is having to download it, so... /shrug. Unless anyone objects, it's in.
agreed, Streamers and Standards is almost a necessity for single age games, but in regular games there's not much need to it.

* No objections to site frequency of 50. Changed in the OP, remains open for discussion.
no objections either, in fact I like this idea

* I really like the Idea of difficult research, so it takes a bit longer to reach the massive endgame spells, and especially to have access to every spell you might need. The massive downside however is in early game, where it basically eliminates the option for 'average' nations to try and counter or slow (bless-)rushers with a couple of well chosen low-level spells. As such I will veto this proposal. (Hence the bold in the OP )

The Megagames came up with an - imperfect - solution to this by using difficult (or very difficult?) research, but modding all lower lvl spells down a level, so early research was equally fast, but mid- and late game slowed down considerably. That's a very heavy handed solution though, and the hypotethical mod would have to be written from scrach - I think - Since CBM already fiddles a lot with spells in the game. If any white knight feels inspired to try something like this and everyone agrees, then be my guest, but otherwise normal research it will remain.
the thing is that on such a large map bless rushes are not as strong as they are in smaller maps. even if you manage to rush and kill an opponent early on, you won't be able to rely on your bless for much longer, and will eventually need to catch up with everybody else. moreover, most bless rush nations rely on their holy commanders to lead their first sacred expansion parties, which slows down their early research compared to the others, so it's not as black and white as you're trying to make it sound.

With one countervote to keep as is. I don't really like max strength indies (appart from the VP Provinces of course) but will change it if most people prefer this.
I agree, max indy 6 Imho, with stronger(custom?) garrisons in VPs only.

So far the only opinion voiced about victory conditions. I quite like the idea. This would require the player attaining the agreed upon limit to post his list of VP's in the thread, and then hold them for 3 turns. (Or conquer enough new ones to cover the lost ones of course.) The limit can also be a bit lower in this case. Perhaps 40? With 20 points to be gained from 5 provinces I don't think I'd go lower than this.
yeah, some form of mutual concession type victory is the best Imho.

I had heard about that. Is it usual to cross-recruit? If so I suppose I can go make me a login overthere.
well, it's not unusual to do so, and considering the size of this game I'd say we need as many players as we can get, so it's definitely a good idea to cross recruit.

* And Finally: 13lackGu4rd: I hate your name! If we wind up next to each other I'll rush you on sight, just to avoid having to type that name in PM's. Fair warning.
just use copy paste, like I do for PMs. I can't bother with spelling each and every name for a PM, especially since a single typo will mess it up entirely, especially for mass PMs...
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