Thanks! I'm glad it's useful for others too, and it's certainly useful for me

About your question:
1) Check that you have Mini.tga, I forgot to include it in the release.
2) Check if "Quick test" creates game called "xtest". First pretender files are copied to this folder and then the dom3 server is launched; if everything is OK it should create fatherland and .trn and .2h files. If the files are not created, you either miss the map or the port is not free. Also, check that the path to dom3 is correct (it's in .ini file in the tester folder), it should point to the dom3 folder.
I hope to create some error feedback when I have time; currently it's still 0.5 and I was mainly interested in functionality and not usability.
Also, the dom3 executable shouldn't be renamed.