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Old August 4th, 2010, 08:58 PM
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Gandalf Parker Gandalf Parker is offline
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Default Re: what about the future?

I agree it was a generalization. But I wouldnt call it uneducated.
Im all for Open Source. I love SourceForge and other project organizing sites.
If you spent some time there you would quickly find out some of the pros and cons of it. A small percentage of open source projects finish. And the ones that do are often very very large projects with many developers coming and going from the pros/cons of open source development

Actually Ive been involved with open sourcing for decades. Im presently involved in two (both are games). I wouldnt call it up and coming. On the other hand I make most of my side monies nowadays involved with CrowdSourcing projects which is currently very hot (but beginning to peak).

And btw I definitely am not saying that something like Dom3 cannot be done as an open source project. Just that it wouldnt be done with Johan and even more Kristoffer.
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