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Old August 16th, 2010, 06:57 AM

onomastikon onomastikon is offline
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Default Re: OT: Starcraft II and Elemental

Originally Posted by WraithLord View Post
Originally Posted by DonCorazon View Post
I pre-purchased Elemental, despite myself, after finding the Gal Civ game dry, like a mathmetician trying to describe jazz with algebra equations.
this really hits the
very well put
I also found that perfect, although Ich has a point.

I also agree with Foodstamp about Elemental, which has actually gone gold last week. There are not very many things I enjoy about it, but that could change after release. Currently, I think it will be a fun thing to play with for people who love modding; since I do not, I feel a bit left out. It "feels" like CivIV with bland tactical battles, and the technology innovations are still grouped into GC2-like "trees" or clusters that are all thematically related (e.g. Adventure, Diplomacy, Warfare, Civilization, Magic), it smacks too much of Lasers, Shields, and Diplomacy. The combat side of things is also currently underdeveloped. In general, there is also a great reliance on "Random House" (the company) to write wonderful things in terms of in-game texts -- not actual people, mind you, but the corporation itself is always personalized, as if they would deficate gold. But the hard core of the fan-base seems vitally, almost rabidly pleased, so that there are sure to be many people who are more than happy. Constructive criticism is not always welcome. Where I do have great hopes, however, is for the AI; I think Brad Wardell always does more than his share in that department, and I am sure that we will see strong new developments there before release and afterwards as well.

I don't find myself terribly excited about it now, and the current Beta, two weeks before release, is not a treat to play, although it will run on my laptop quite nicely.

I have heard very mixed things about Sword of the Stars. Are there many people here who enjoy it greatly?
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