Thread: Countdown
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Old August 19th, 2010, 07:11 PM
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Default Re: Countdown

Oh well, it looks like it's a done deal anyway. I figure Abysia at least, and probably Helheim, have cut a deal for a share of the Nexus, and left the other powers dangling.

And though I've certainly waited too long, I guess I better start declaring my VPs now, while I still have them!

Um, I'm still way behind on my sleep, and while I can get in a minimum turn in the next hour and a half, it will be nowhere close to what needs to be done to deal with the crap-storm heading my way.

So Hoplo, if you see this, can you give me another 24 hours? Sorry guys for the delays though - but once I get my rest this weekend, and recover from the jet-lag, I'll be back to my normal pace, I promise!

Better PM Hoplo now...
"I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part"
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