Re: Best Roleplay nation
Here's a roleplaying challenge:
MA Ermor, Pretender has to be the Ghost King, Prince of Death, a Lich or a Vampire. Scales have to be at least Sloth 3, Cold 3 and Death 3.
The theme is MA Ermor meets LA Ermor, the land is becoming unproductive waste filled with the undead. Large armies enter your dominion at their peril.
I'm playing with sites at 50 and have found a decent death gem income. I chose dominion 10 to try and push my low supply but so far I have not had the money to build temples, I'm investing heavily in the Grand Thaumatics (whatever they are) and have researched Twiceborn but so far after around two winters no oldies have gained any afflictions. I chose Order 3 (no-brainer?), Magic 1 and I think Luck 3. The occasional +money random events really help.
Playing on Parangos a highlight has been getting knocked back to 4 provinces, 2 castles and 2 no castled, in an early Pan rush. The home province was under siege but two turns of mass casting Revive Wight provided a leathery group fit to provide the central mass and support the flanking longdead cavalry. Now Pan has been totally pushed back and I'm faced with risking having to enter their dominion.
Anyone else got a roleplay challenge?