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Old August 22nd, 2010, 05:17 PM

BvG BvG is offline
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Default Re: Warthog-LA,CBM-Recruiting!

Originally Posted by BigandScary View Post
They are cool, but for a new player they are often more of an unpleasant burden than fun. If you want to play them in a multiplayer game, I would suggest that you first play a game or 4 against the computer and that you read some guides, specifically Velusion's old guide(which technically no longer is accurate to the patched game version) but it is an awesome introduction to how Ermor plays.
Here is the link:
Oh I always play test games... actually i doubt there's anyone who does not at least shortly test if the scales and pretenders mix well with their current race. I mean, for people like me, testing is mandatory. At least until "grudged old forum coot" status is achieved.

I do like to read strat-guides and play troughs, and then do something completely different then advised.
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