Re: New to Dom 3
I'm new to Dom 3 as well, but having bought both it and Elemental recently, I think you can guess which one I've been spending my time playing! So far I love Dom 3, although I feel a little pathetic that the AI has beaten me like 3 times in a row. Definitely a steep learning curve on this game.
I've finally put together a good playthrough as Agartha - I was lucky to start in a corner of the map and my first attempt at an immobile pretender seems to be going well, with maxed Order and Production scales I can crank out a lot of units every turn.
Maybe I might eventually look into Play by Email, since that seems to be doing quite well on these forums, but I'm not sure with law school starting imminently I really have the time, nor do I think I'm good enough at the game to not get stomped, very quickly.