August 26th, 2010, 02:10 PM
Major General
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Re: OT: Starcraft II and Elemental
Yeah, I had a pretty crappy experience with Demigod from Stardock. It was so buggy upon release that it was nearly unplayable - it's essentially an entirely MP game that was launched with unusable matchmaking. Months in it was still just plain *bad*, requiring a potentially prohibitive amount of effort just to line up people to play, which sucked because the game had a lot of potential. The community just withered and died because of it, I've no idea if they eventually ironed out all the problems but it didn't matter because nobody was playing it anymore. It totally soured me to paying retail for a game then doing the beta testing for my trouble. Stardock used up all the goodwill I have, I'm not picking up another game from them until I have some assurance it's polished.
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Baalz good player pledge