Thread: New to Dom 3
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Old August 26th, 2010, 11:48 PM

sffrrrom sffrrrom is offline
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Default Re: New to Dom 3

I've been using that rebalancing MOD. That seemed like it just made a lot of decent changes. I might try a vanilla game without it next though, which I probably should have done from the start.

Anyway, I abandoned the VQ for this playthrough anyway. I forget what I picked - a big guy with Death and Blood magic. I went D9 B5 with high Turmoil and Strife and high Luck. My initial expansion went ok, and then I had to stop thanks to running into three different factions on my borders - I was scared to try to expand into one of them because I couldn't hold off the other two at the same time. So I tried to switch over to a blood economy, since I knew my long-term gold production would be crappy, and I kind of got stuck inbetween. I got up to level 5 or 6 in blood, I forget which, but couldn't generate enough oomph via summons to stave off the ravening hordes. I had some greenish faction led by the Great White Bull attacking my upper left with stacks of 3-400, and the Pale Ones in far fewer numbers, but still a problem, from my bottom right. Eventually a 50ish stack of tough Pale Ones broke through and went on a blood mage stomping fest. I just kind of got caught in the middle. Take 2 tomorrow I guess (with a non-blood faction this time).
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