Re: Warthog - running
Wow, I did that whole aar roleplay thing about assigning a prophet, got thanked for it, and then got the new turn and realised I hadn't prophetised anyone... I suck.
Let's hope this one is accurate. Redemption time.
The time has come, a generous Prince offered a few Malaia Druzinha to fight for the goddess immediately... for a small price. Research has been begun by the starets to give them new ways to use their magical abilities to serve the goddess and the gears of war are finally in motion.
The 'donated' cavalrymen are grouped together with the city garrison under the command of Sviotoslav the voivode. Sviotoslav grew up as the child of an unsuccessful farmer who raised just enough money for his family to get by, he would be proud now to see his son; a commander of men, going forth to conquer in the name of the most holy Vladmina.
Sviotoslav himself was full of pride aswell as fervor. "Look now to the horizon men" he bellowed at the men under his command. "It is ours! Rus was once known as a land stricken by civil war, plagued by thieves and vagabonds. Today this changes, united now we march on to show the world the glory of Rus - a land of HEROES!" As the regiment roared in approval, Sviotoslav roared back louder. "Heroes of Rus, look now to the horizon, TAKE IT...IT'S YOURS!"
With the second cacophony of cheers they were off, marching to unknown lands without fear or hesitation.