Thread: New to Dom 3
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Old August 27th, 2010, 07:54 PM
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Default Re: New to Dom 3

d9 isn't a particularly good bless, since the death weapons damage is MR negateable (i think), as for blood 5 you don't need the extra strength when you are using another offencive bless.

water 9, fire 9 is commonly used, though a case could be made for astral 9.

You'll need to rely on mages later on, especially with large hordes, aoe spells work wonders. Check out the blood spell Hellfire, castable by all sun priests. It gives 100 fatigue (lots) but has an extremely wide area of effect (4 groups of aoe3, or 3 groups of aoe4 I forget), a few sun priests can cause a little bit of havoc with that spell

you also have the spell reinvigoration, which basicly means you chop up 1 blood slave and get rid of all the fatigue from hellfire. That's all I'll say, experiment and see what other spells work.
Melita Mod
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