Re: Endgame Diversity Mod - stable version (v1.1) released
Ok, having played with various versions at this point, some thoughts:
Grendelkin did not need to be nerfed. Without magic they aren't good for much beyond anti-thug/SC duty or army assistance. The rather high strength they started with (45) was the only thing that made them interesting at all - nerfing this has reduced any desire on my part to summon them.
Rocs in their current incarnation are basically useless except as gatecleavers. And they're more expensive than gate cleavers. Nor are they really more mobile than gate cleavers, since a gatecleaver can 'teleport' through a lab to a unit much farther away than 5 provinces. Strongly recommend re-instituting A3.
Haven't been notably impressed with Shishi, but i don't think i've seen them used well yet. I have seen a lot of them, but they mostly just died =)
Ember Lords are pretty awesome, but I'm not convinced they're overpowered yet. Hard to use frequently because of cost.
The firebird definitely needs to be no earlier than Conj 6, auto-casting solar brilliance is really powerful. I might move it to conj 7.
No opinion on summons which require nature gems - N is too valuable to use for them for any nation i've used with EDM summons.
Older cyclops version was much better (E4 + random), as it actually allows access to E5 rituals with boots, which gives you a real reason to summon them. The newer version is far less useful, and not really worth the 30e in most circumstances. If you can't get more E than a Troll King, its simply not worth it, since the King is so much easier to summon (path requirement wise).
I don't remember when Asynja changed. The version that was used in CPF3 seemed perfectly useful.
None of these really reduce the demand for tarts, because tarts are still the best way to get magic diversity. Undoing the nerfs which stop the new summons from being useful for magic diversity is necessary, and even then tarts are still the best access to diverse magic. May need some other summons purely focused on providing magic diversity to actually compete.