Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
For decades its usually been part of my job skills to avoid such. To give everyone in a conversation with some wins and seek to move a conversation further. Other words for such a skill might be mediation, moderating, diplomacy, or if you want to minimum wage it I guess customer support is another example. Particularly if opinions are those of the management.
Gandalf is very good at this, and does deserve a lot of credit for it. It's a lot easier to tear a conversation apart than it is to keep it together, nor is it always very satisfying to maintain
a politic disposition towards someone, or several someones, that don't give you a great many reasons to want to get along with them.
I imagine that it's resulted in more than one emotional sacrifice for him. I can't recall ever witnessing the guy get really angry. As someone with anger issues, I can only suppose he hides it well.
What does that sacrifice get him? Well, on the positive side, the Forum is a more pleasant place than it might otherwise be, especially for new people. Gandalf can also definitely say that he's personally responsible for atleast some of Illwinter's good reputation. And he's got my respect.
I'm not sure it's a trade I'd make, and continue to make on a pretty much daily basis.