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Old August 31st, 2010, 05:13 PM
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Default Re: Warthog - running

Pug rested after yet another victory, leisurely cleaned his armour from blood and reflecting on how fast you got used to the act of killing. The campaign had been successful and scouts reported that several other more powerful forces had followed to claim the world for Pothead. The future seemed pleasantly dark. (obviously a positive term for Agarthans)

Suddenly the watch sounded the signal of alarm, clang of steel and shouting was everywhere. Pug rushed out of the tent just in time to face a magnificent fay horse rearing above him. The rider was a tall blond man with feirce blue eyes screaming like mad in a strange language. The heavy hoofs came down and struck the unarmed Pug to the ground. Just before dying Pug absentmindedly reflected upon the fact that these warriors must have been after the same garrison that the Agarthans had just fought, in order to claim this land as their own.

"Dying by accident... somehow it fits perfectly" Those were the last words of Agarthas first fighting commander, words neither heard nor remembered.

But Pothead heard those words in his head, as he heard the words and thoughts of all his servants. And they made him chuckle to himself as he took another drag on the hookah.
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