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Old September 1st, 2010, 06:07 AM

Otherling Otherling is offline
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Default Re: Gluttony - LA Game - Running

Just to make a few things clear from my end, with regards to Man and Marignon:

Man did not pay me or even ask me to attack Marignon. I made that decision of my own free will. My invasion was originally timed to start on the same turn that the previous Marignon player quit. I actually held back for a couple turns because I felt it a little unsporting to attack before giving the new player some time to settle in. At the time I knew only that Marignon and R'lyeh were both attacking Man, and indeed I thought there was a decent possibility that R'lyeh would be pulled into a war against me. I didn't actually find out about R'lyeh and Man's arrangement until just before I attacked.

Earcaraxe, you might be a little slower to criticize Blackguard, however. Granted, it's probably a bit annoying to have his army blazing through your backcountry, but his actions do make sense from my point of view (and his, one assumes). The heart of his territory is largely occupied, and he can't get his forces back quickly. Given the choice between throwing everything I had left at a powerful force, and carving out some new land, I have no doubt that I'd make the same choice. So, probably best everyone just calms down a bit, before someone says something they regret.

On an unrelated note, I see that Bonfire is no longer able to play. I'd like to extend a big thanks for starting this game and running things so far. For the future, is there anyone in particular who'd like to volunteer as admin? I'm assuming we'll need a few days before the next turn regardless, so as to find a replacement player.
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