The Oni visiting their chambers, whenever the Hannya aren't washing their hair, always wonder why it's so warm in there, why the food tastes so good, etc., but they're just not bright enough to catch on, assuming it must be some kind of "hannya magic".
Are you sure, HoneyBadger ? I think Dai-Oni are quite bright, in their own wicked way. But Are you sure their tastes for food or clothing (or hygiene) are the same that human ones ? You can't ignore the extra sex-appeal that blood-drenched furs gives you when you are a Oni, and everybody knows that sucking rotting meat with is a rare delicacy ! But did you know that the term "Marshmallow" is just a deformation (human just can't articulate correctly, because they lack proper-sized fangs) of "Smashed Mellow" ? Human bone mellow, that is

. Yummy. In Yomi, at least.. And what's yummy in Yomi is not made for human mind (just try to repeat this sentence as fast as you can. If you succeed to do it 10 times in a row, it means you where chosen to be the next prophet of LA R'lyeh's new god...

Oni are NOT evil

, they are inhumans. They conception of what is good or bad is totally alien to human mind. And perhaps this explains why my favorite nations are Fomoria, Lanka, Hinnom, Abyssia, Yomi and R'lyeh, because they are so
alien. You just have to change all the way you think to begin understanding them. It can be quite funny. Sort of mental yoga.