Originally Posted by HoneyBadger
Yomi is always fun, because yeah they're supposed to be evil demons, but they're also the underdogs. They're also so inept that you can't really expect rule by them to be as harsh as, say, Hinnom or R'lyeh, or even some of the human Nations.
I always imagine them failed Mongols, living on a barren plateau somewhere in upper Mongolia, the demon kings constantly *****ing about the weather and their latest defeat, and then halfheartedly intimidating a lackey or kicking a ko-oni, while the Hannya secretly hoarde all the coal, choicest food, skilled slaves, what have you, for themselves, while running everything from behind the scenes.
The Oni visiting their chambers, whenever the Hannya aren't washing their hair, always wonder why it's so warm in there, why the food tastes so good, etc., but they're just not bright enough to catch on, assuming it must be some kind of "hannya magic".
It's practically a Saturday Morning Cartoon, from the perspective of the "bad guys".
HB is now my personal hero.

I had a laugh reading this, you've really hit the nail right on the head with this description.
While Shinuyama and Yomi may not be my favourite nations (though certainly very fun to play), Jomon is. I really like the whole samurai theme and zen feel. I found it easier me to relate to human nations rather than some giants and/or magical beings. While Hinnom may be fun to play in a sense where you can steamroll just about any opponent, I don't really find them too interesting as a roleplaying nation. They've been given just about every single advantage over the rest, for god's sake, how can that be interesting? The real challenge is to play with nations that are slightly underpowered, that way you can really feel the burden of every lost battle.
@ Nounours: I think it's marrow not mellow, but innovative etymology nonetheless.