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Old September 2nd, 2010, 11:26 AM
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Default Re: OT: Starcraft II and Elemental

Originally Posted by WraithLord View Post
Originally Posted by HoneyBadger View Post
Originally Posted by WraithLord View Post

with small correction -
Plenty of married guys here (me included), see the thread that goes something along the lines of "mouse clicks when playing dom makes my girlfriend/wife/mother in low, angry/sleep deprived/lock me in basement"
Oh, not mine. My wife (who I should mention, spends considerably more time actually playing games on her computer, than I do on mine,) finds this all to be adorable.

I've actually been encouraged to play more, provided I still give her an acceptable amount of attention, and keep the house from falling apart.

My mother in law, on the other hand, is a very avid collector of Harry Potter merchandise, and has owned atleast 3 computers since I've known her, so I'm not getting a lot of grief from that quarter, either.
You lucky lucky man

At my house dominions is like, I'd say, a pet that only I like. For my wife it's no better than a flea infested, bad smelling mongreal and she probably wouldn't mind giving it the occasional kick or downright kick it out of the house
Except my wife actually asked me to chose between this "pet" and her several times. This plural supposedly means she's not too serious about it but who knows?

I had forgotten about this thread WL, thx for reminding it to me, that was one good time when I didn't feel alone with my "household vs dom3" issue

and Baalz, IIRC the clicking problem was never solved since it's a "physical" one with mouses.
Try to move some dozens of blood slaves/gems, at night, with all computer sound off just to realize how stressing this particular noise can be for a nearby sleeping usually-loving-but-never-in-this-case wife
Triumph without peril brings no glory
Domkill : The Power of Faith
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