Originally Posted by Herode
Hi guys !
1 - can I have an extension for the next turn ? (scheduled 14h55 GMT, +6 hours would be great for I am not at home this evening and I may be short of time tomorrow morning)
2 - I can sub you for the admin if you want. But the simpler the better : just extend the turn to Saturday 
I had hoped to avoid that, since Grijalva won't be able to play a turn before leaving if hosting is delayed too much. Still, if you need 6 more hours, you need 6 more hours, n'est ce pas?
I added 6 hours right now, and I'll PM you the password. If Grijalva manages to play the next turn before leaving, then we extend the two weekend turns with 24 hours, if he doesn't then I guess we all have a weekend without homework.