Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
Thats right. Internet has room for everyone.
Im thrilled that the Sombre forum exists. Now instead of a "change" war, we can have 2 happy sites. This "kinder and gentler place" where new people can ask questions and discuss the game. Play in some fun games.
And Sombre's where serious players can have more serious discussions and play in more serious competitive ladder style games.
As long as everyone has their option for the type of forum they prefer then everything is great.
Err... False dichotomy.
The difference is that on dom3mods, people can say what they mean and not have to worry about the niceness police descending on them. Enforcing 'niceness' rules encourages all sorts of destructive passive-aggressive behavior that is openly nice but the impact is anything but, and this can only be stopped by letting people call BS when they see it. Ie, a community is perfectly capable of enforcing its own standards of behavior, and indeed, when the rules come down against the community, the community will logically feel attacked.
Regardless, dom3mods engages in all the sorts of activity you attribute as being the sole province of this forum. New players can still ask questions (and do, although much of that happens on IRC instead). Fun games still happen (eg, Nostalgia). And non-serious discussion certainly occurs (there's an entire subforum dedicated to it!). The difference is that on the one forum the community determines acceptable behavior, while on the other acceptable behavior is declared from on high.