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Old September 5th, 2010, 11:52 AM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: what about the future?

Originally Posted by Foodstamp View Post
Originally Posted by Squirrelloid View Post
Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker View Post
Sheesh I was was just trying to be diplomatic. Of course any forum CAN be anything. I was just trying to paint a picture of both forums using terms inoffensive to both sides. Instead you want to paint a picture that your forum does not offend anyone and this one is all wrong (there isnt really a majority agreement on either of those).
I wouldn't call my picture of the other forum totally rosy. Implicit in being able to say what you mean is accepting other people will to. People who don't follow community standards will be ostracized by the community. Its the way communities work. The only counterpoint is that rules which try to control that merely change who is ostracized, not that some people are. And its important to realize that. No community can be everything to everybody.

Now, i certainly did imply that I find passive-aggressive behavior more annoying than combative behavior.

And you're engaging in passive-aggressive behavior in that post GP. If you think I'm wrong you can just tell me I'm wrong, you're not going to hurt my feelings.
I heard the other forum has half off cherry limeades between 2 to 4 pm; Can you confirm or deny this?
You've been mis-informed Foodstamp. The offer is on peach schnapps between 6-8pm, every Tuesday to Thursday. Although you do have to defeat a Markata in 1-on-1 combat to be eligible for the offer.
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