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Old September 6th, 2010, 11:48 AM

DragonRider DragonRider is offline
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Default Re: Boot Camp - Newbie intro to Dominions MP - Recruiting!

I'll throw my hat into the ring for this. Honestly, I'm probably a bit too green even for this most newbiest of games (I've been playing for all of a week or so), but I doubt there will be a better time to learn the basics of multiplayer any time soon so I'm not about to pass up the opportunity.

The problem is that most of my already-limited experience is in the Early Age. I think Pythium is the only Middle Age nation I've so much as touched, and of course they were taken during my 12-hour validation process. So I guess I'll go with...Arcoscephale, maybe? I don't know my astral magic from a hole in the ground, but they seem interesting enough (even though I'm pretty sure I like their Early Age version better). Or possibly Marignon, if I can figure out a good Pretender build that goes well with them (I have a strong tendency to lean towards Titan-type chassis that can act as at least pseudo-supercombatants, but Marignon is just begging for an Enchantress rainbow mage or whatever, which I'm not sure I know how to make good use of yet).
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