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Old September 6th, 2010, 02:45 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Undead being "fixed" at the Lab

Originally Posted by 13lackGu4rd View Post
undeads get diseased but it actually does nothing to them, as undeads are already dead to begin with... so don't worry about the lose 1hp/turn until death from disease. however other afflictions do affect your undeads just like normal troops, which is why Gift of Health(enchantment6 nature global) and The Chalice(artifact) are very sought after, as most nations use Tartarians(from the conjuration9 D7 spell Tartarian Gate) and these have a tendency to arrive with afflictions, most annoying ones being feeblemind, blind and mute.
well thats about 99% true. Disease also makes you slightly more susceptible to the decay spell, even if you are undead.
Not that this is any great shakes against an undead.
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