Re: Warthog - running
The Druzinha were a force to be reckoned with, skilled and deadly they swiftly cut down all in their way. Province after province fell, and the list of vassal states grew - The heroes of Rus had built an empire. Their travels took them far and wide in and across the horizon they were promised.
They met other great nations along the way, among them the Ashen Empire of Ermor. Here the land was barren, the people fell in such great numbers that it were as if a plague had swept the land, and the dead rose continueing to praise the grim god of death. The foreign faith wormed it's way into the lands of Rus, and soon Bogarussian people had fallen to the plague dominion of the death god.
The Princes agreed enough was enough and the Druzinha rode of to destroy this threat. Upon reaching a fortress of the dead, these great men witnessed skeletons rising to protect it. The Druzinha were known to be great brave men, but a fear overcame them. "How do we kill that which is already dead?" one man asked. Obaric the chosen scout emerged from the shadows. "Let me show you" he replied with an authoritative voice. Throwing his arms into the air he called down the divine might of Vladmina to banish the dead back to the underworld, two score and five he destroyed in total. Meanwhile Sviatoslav rallied the men to charge at those whom Obaric had missed. Lances shattered ribs, swords cleaved skulls, and all manner of bones were crushed beneath hooves. All the dead were laid back to rest, and not a single hero of Bogarus had died. They celebrated their triumph over death, but knew a larger battle was soon to come, it is then that they shall earn their status as heroes.