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Old September 7th, 2010, 02:07 PM

Cosian Cosian is offline
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Default Re: Yet another new person with a question...

Munkie and I apparently stumbled on the same Elemental Post referencing DOM3. I ended up picking it up as well and am really enjoying the layer upon layer of strategy and things to do.

Prior to reading this post I had selected Niefelheim after reading a strategy guide somewhere on them. It seemed like a race that would move forward into understanding some key game concepts...

Bless and Sacred Units - Since the Frost Giants have a good Sacred Units and a Multi Bless strategy seemed to have quite a bit of support I dug into it and ended up creating an Imprisoned Cyclops E9N9W4. This coupled with Companies of 5 Niefel Giants and 1 Niefel Jarl seems to work pretty good.

Magic Item Creation and Spell Use- Buffing up with some good magic items or spells seems to be applicable to these units to augment some of thier weaknesses like suceptabilty to fire. So I explored that.

The Scales - Since the Niefel and Jotuns like cold, playing with the race got me into understanding the scales.

Anyway I like playing them and they got me into a few key game concepts in what seemed a logical manner. They seemed to be a decent choice for my first game.
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