Dance bar might not be bad.
They want people who walk in to see it as a friendly place to meet people, talk, dance. They might offer alcohol but dont want to be seen as a drunk bar. So rowdiness is quickly squashed and escorted out. Repeated rowdiness is indeed banned. In my experience, in numbers fairly equal to forums.
In both cases there are some important points. The owners get to decide what kind of place it will be, what kind of impression it will give, and how much moderation will be done over the members. Any rules and enforcement will be a give & take as far as numbers. But the most important thing to keep in mind is that if the dance bar is too tame and controlled for someone there is definitely a bar down the street for the wilder crowd. Both bars benefit.
As for the profit scheme, THIS is the forum that people most end up at who have NOT bought the game. Whether or not anyone thinks it will work is one thing but can it really be doubted that if it comes to friendly vs open that the friendly is more sales conducive? Right but rude should definitely exist on the net (somewhere) but I dont think its a "sensible" argument that it should be here.