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Old September 8th, 2010, 02:00 AM

Valerius Valerius is offline
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Default Re: Boot Camp - Newbie intro to Dominions MP - Send pretenders!

Definitely agree with rdonj that in-game messaging is kind of a last resort. The two big drawbacks are that it is slow and there's no history of what you sent. The only thing I'd normally use it for are as a second form of communication to end a NAP or to get someone's attention if you think they aren't regularly checking their messages.

Regarding IRC, you'll notice durecellrabbit has already gotten help there. You'll find a lot of knowledgeable players there and this is probably the quickest way to get answers to questions and one advantage it has over a forum posting is that you can ask a question and not have it publicly posted for other players to see (rdonj can correct me if I'm wrong in this understanding).

So we have six pretenders in. I think we'll probably start Wed., worst case Thurs. if minko needs more time for testing. By default the llamaserver has a 48 hour hosting interval for the first turn in case any problems need to be worked out. After that we will be on 24 hour hosting until turn 20.

I'll try to check this thread as close to hosting as possible in case there are delay requests but of course if you think you need more time the earlier you can post the request, the better.
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