Originally Posted by Debaser8
Create a communion with one/two masters to give them power of the spheres and summon earthpower and maybe aim. At least you should get a few more casts that way. Or just use stellar cascades on your primary path and toss in LOTN to the communion, it might be more effective.
A reverse com would also work nice. two or three masters buffing the slaves with power of the spheres, and summon earthpower, perhaps aim. (stellar cascades has pres 100, so aim is not needed). And just give one of them the banner which gives a free LOTN (saves a combat mage turn). And afterwards the masters can also cast if they are the last on the list.
On the subject of saving combat mage turns, if you have the gems and paths, getting slave and crystal matrixes, and a few of the autocast items can really buff your reverse communion slaves. (crystal shield gives a light of the north star, charcoil shield a fire shield (*)). And it saves you a round of casting. (Getting your offensive spells out earlier, and less fatigue.).
*: anybody know about any more of these? The copper plate gives charge body (but not SR!). (Would the amulet of vengeance spell be cast on slaves if a master carrying one dies?)