Originally Posted by Duncan_Frost
I think I might be in a different timezone to everyone else, all the turns had been done by the time I sent mine in... 
Yeah, it helps to get lucky with timezones and schedules. Still, if everyone does what you just did and immediately works on their next turn when they are last to send in a turn, the game will move at a good clip.
Originally Posted by Soyweiser
Second turn unrest at capitol: 29. Love those unrest events... fffffuuuu (and I only took misfortune 1 just to prevent this).
That's tough. It can really slow down your expansion if you are playing a nation that needs reources. Actually my last game on this map I was also hit with a couple of unrest events early on (also playing with only M1). I was very lucky I already had one expansion party out or it really would have killed my expansion efforts.
Originally Posted by Soyweiser
Greetings from the cold north everyone. Hope your starts are better than mine. (of course that is a lie, I wish you all turn 1 knight attacks  ).
Lol. Ain't that the truth!
Random thoughts: You can glean a good amount of information about people's builds by looking at the score tables early on. Also, don't forget to look over the available mercenaries. They can provide a boost to your expansion and, a bit later, allow you to site search in paths you don't have.