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Old September 9th, 2010, 06:38 AM

Muse Muse is offline
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Default Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running

Originally Posted by BvG View Post
Oh Unmentionable R'lyeh

Take free water stuff
castle province we get
have happy NAPping!

two not connected
NAP important rest not so
happy rice feasting

BvG, Shinuyama

Translation (short for time saving)
NAP 3 suggested. independent suggestion: we'd like the castle, don't care for unclaimed water province(s).
*whisper* It's somewhat disturbing that everyone seems to be aware of our name. And that we exist. *whisper-and-glance*

A star child makes several mouth gestures indicating that we will happily accept your goblin-infested NAP-3. We only ask that the beaches remain clear for any human women who wish to go swimming.

As for the capital of our leafy-green bordermates, mmmm... this is an interesting issue. We are inclined to say "If you can take it, it's yours." But then... *peers thoughtfully out to sea*

Ancient Kraken 1: [jaunty melody] "Don't un-der-estimate your op-pon-nents!"
Kraken Chorus: "They're far from be-eaten yet..." [synchronized tentacle wiggle]

Waves pass, and behind them several mindslaves could be heard absently gibbering:
"But at peace with the master, they'll only be able to expand directly into the Smouldercone!"
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