Originally Posted by Cosian
Munkie and I apparently stumbled on the same Elemental Post referencing DOM3. I ended up picking it up as well and am really enjoying the layer upon layer of strategy and things to do.
Prior to reading this post I had selected Niefelheim after reading a strategy guide somewhere on them. It seemed like a race that would move forward into understanding some key game concepts...
Bless and Sacred Units - Since the Frost Giants have a good Sacred Units and a Multi Bless strategy seemed to have quite a bit of support I dug into it and ended up creating an Imprisoned Cyclops E9N9W4. This coupled with Companies of 5 Niefel Giants and 1 Niefel Jarl seems to work pretty good.
Magic Item Creation and Spell Use- Buffing up with some good magic items or spells seems to be applicable to these units to augment some of thier weaknesses like suceptabilty to fire. So I explored that.
The Scales - Since the Niefel and Jotuns like cold, playing with the race got me into understanding the scales.
Anyway I like playing them and they got me into a few key game concepts in what seemed a logical manner. They seemed to be a decent choice for my first game.
It looks like you made some very good choices for a first game and learned a lot. I think you might have proven that Niefelheim is a good nation for new players

(One of the good nations, I'm sure there are others too...)
Regarding units: Niefel giants are great but don't forget the skinshifters. They are really powerful even though they are not sacred and their low resource cost means you can recruit a lot of them when you need them.
Regarding magic: I think you've got the right idea about using buffs and magic items. Niefelheim is great for that kind of stuff. The next step might be to learn damage spells and other battle magic. That's the order I learned things at least