Originally Posted by Soyweiser
Originally Posted by durecellrabbit
There are quite a few tough ones I run into semi often like the evil druids and undead that I have trouble with. There are others I've only run into once like Pegasus Cavalry, Kappa and the Dwarven guys so I don't know how strong they are.
Depending on your type of expansion force, the amphibious guys with the nets can also be very dangerous. Trapping your elite units while the chaff beats them to death.
I meant to say aside from mage provinces but even then I don't think my statement is correct. You both listed some good examples (definitely am wary of those nets with small forces of elite troops). Another type that can be a nasty surprise is elephants. So it depends on what you're fielding and whether you knew the province had those units or it was a surprise.
Originally Posted by durecellrabbit
Using Indies is something I'm unsure about because they often have quite low resource provinces so I can only get a handful of soldiers per province and it seems a lot of work and time to get them into your army. I guess this could be because I have too little indy generals. I do get some to fetch troops from my capital but at points they'll end up standing around doing nothing and I feel like I wasted money on them. I think I might be getting too little scouts as well. It's hard to know if I just want a few or if I should be buying commanders regularly or if there is a balance and what it is.
Resources can definitely be a problem, especially if you took Sloth and your dominion spreads. I generally look for the tribal archers. They have map move 2 (the lion tribe actually has map move 3) and have a low resource cost. If you can get a province with about 30 resources you can recruit them quickly enough to help out in expansion. So I'll recruit a commander in one province and 10 tribal archers in another. The next I recruit another 10 archers and the commander goes to pick them up.
I wouldn't go overboard on recruiting non-scout indie commanders but having a few idle doesn't cost that much. To me it's better to have them available than to have to reinforce troops and need to use a mage to do it (assuming they have the leadership necessary to move the troops in sufficient numbers).
I'm a big fan of scouts. Of course the biggest reason is for intel. You can also use them to carry gems or other equipment for your armies. And they can act as mind hunt and seeking arrow catchers (obviously not in stealth mode for the latter use).