Originally Posted by Kadelake
It looks like you made some very good choices for a first game and learned a lot. I think you might have proven that Niefelheim is a good nation for new players  (One of the good nations, I'm sure there are others too...)
Regarding magic: I think you've got the right idea about using buffs and magic items. Niefelheim is great for that kind of stuff. The next step might be to learn damage spells and other battle magic. That's the order I learned things at least 
Right you are and thats exactly what came next ..... I was on my second game and I had kind of fell into a groove using combat teams of 1 Nifel Jarl and 5 Nifel Giants. That combo, coupled with having a pretender with strong bless bonuses seemed pretty unstoppable.
Lulled into a false sense of security, I had gained pretty good control of the map and was just starting to consolidate and do some mopping up. I sent 2 such groups into a couple provinces. I wasn't really paying too much attention. Each province had 50-80 of errr...something

.....a veritable cakewake for my giants...
Next thing I knew I am trying to figure out where my giants went.

Note I had long since stopped watching all my indy battles since the giants just dominated. Hmmm? They must have all died. I found 1 Nifel Jarl cowering in a province he must have retreated to. So I started looking at those indy provinces more carefully. They were predominately made of up of devils with some supporting troop. Well apparently those devils are pretty tough...at least against Frost Giants.
My second attempt I tossed in a few priests set for Banishment x5. That should do the trick. I watched the combat and again saw my giant team get totally raped by about 30+ devils. The devils just fly in on round 1 and surround the giants and start blasting their hear aura. The Banishments did do some good, but not nearly enough. The devils seemed pretty resistant to the Banishments.
So it became a new game....figure out how to deal with those devils. And that drove me to start digging through spells and figuring out where I needed to research, what Nifel spellcasters to use, and what spells to script them with.
The Jotun Skratti with their 2 Water path seemed a good bet. I researched Evocation 2, gave them each some water gems and sent a number of them in with the team. Scripting a Rain along with Cold Bolts and Cold Blasts made the difference. I suspect there are a number of other approaches but it was cool figuring out how to counter specific mobs.
Now I need to see if there is way to heal afflictions...the victory was not without its costs...