Re: Galadia - EA Game - Running
Ok, all I can say is holy cow am I getting freaking lucky on the PD defense. 20 points of ermor pd repulsed 3 or 4 banes equiped with standard raiding gear of flame whip/gleaming gold shield (magic 3 scale and a holy 2 banisher ftw)
Then I had a fully equipped bane lord 4 spaces from a D caster casting wither bones and that guy missed like 5 spells in a row. lucky.
And finally this turn, 5pd and 10 pd repulsed barbarian random events. (of course dark skies had a huge hand to play in that as barbs had a 3 morale)
oh, and dont forget 20 points of pd killing the dead admirals main army. lets see monkey pd do that!
This game has given me a new respect for ermorian pd.