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Old September 11th, 2010, 08:25 AM
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Default Re: It's a Kind of Magic : pooling spell modding tips

First, here is a spell I had problem to mod.

It was intended as a spell that kill the caster and summon another unit (a bit like Ashdod's "Banquet for the Dead").

I saw on the forum that i was not the only one trying to use this effect, and when i finally fixed it, I was suggested by another modder (thank for your help, Chris ) to post on the forum the solution I had found.

So, here is my working fixed spell :

#name "****"
#descr "[Blah, blah, blah]."

#school 6 [or whatever you want]
#researchlevel 0
#path 0 7
#pathlevel 0 2

#effect 10021
#nreff 1
#damage [summoned unit's number]
#fatiguecost 100
#nextspell "Kill caster"
#restricted [nation's number]
> #effect 10021, as everybody knows, will summon a commander. You can use effect #10001 to summon units, it will also work.

> #nextspell "Kill caster" serves to kill the caster of the spell. DON'T FORGET TO ALSO MOD THIS SECOND SPELL !

#name "Kill Caster"
#descr "Kill caster"

#school -1
#researchlevel 0
#path 0 7
#pathlevel 0 1
#path 1 5
#pathlevel 0 1
#effect 10090
#nreff 1
#fatiguecost 50
#restricted [nation's number]
> #effect 90 kill the caster, BUT you have to add 10000 to this number (=10090) if you want it to work as a ritual (it appears it has been my main problem when trying to mod this spell).
It's better to be GoRed by a nature mage than gored by a boar...
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